
Jan 31

hola,well this week has been very eventful and full of many things to do, we baptzed my first week here and will have one this week also and we are working super hard, once again the president sent me to the weakest zone to lift it up and allready we are seeing results. thanks to the lord and his wonderful spirit and blessing, i absolutly love my area, its way out here, super gorgeous, dads going to love it, i found some cool artifacts from the ancients. i found a stone statue the size of a small doll and the head of another one, its sweet. i live one street away from a huge river, like 2 or 3 times the size of the virgin when it floods. the people here are a lot more humble then the ones in the downtown coatza where i have been for the last while. well i have a gringo for a companion elder roper its great we have a blast. oh something really neat well in my area in gaviotas in villahermosa one the the families i baptized got sealed a week ago, isnt that wonderful. i was super happy, everything is pretty much awesome. i dont really want to come home, it would really be awesome if i could be a missionary for a few years more because 2 is super short. well the work is going great i also gave a talk on sunday for almost 20 minutes i guess it was pretty good because some people were crying, it was a pretty good talk i made up as i went. thanks to the spirit everything is posible.
well i dont want to tell yall to much about my life and safe some for the talk in 5 weeks ok.. well love yall... hey and let me all know if you guys want anything from down here in mexico so i can get it for you. love you all bye
love elder schall

Jan 24

I am so so so sorry, but I will be very short, because I did get a change. In the morning, I leave to Zapata Tabasco as zl to lift up the zone, so dad will be excited because Palenque is in the zone and we go there often....more ruins to see. well, I love you all so so much. take care love you bye....
ps i did baptize this last saturday,It was amazing and very special..
love elder schall

Jan 17

esta sabado bautizaremos.
tambien durante la semana y el sabado hicimos una actividad de hombres jovenes, tuvimos 16 jovenes en la actividad, 10 menos activos venieron. estamos trabajando con los hombres jovenes en hacer visitas con estos jovenes menos activos. sé que tendremos exito a menudo que esforzamos al maximo en los jovenes.
tambien quiero compartir una experiencia que tuve anoche con mi compañero. nosotros fuimos con el obispo para conocer nuestros investigadores. yo oré en mi corazón para tener una expriencia especial para que nuestro obispo pudia sentirse la nesecidad para ayudar nosotros en la obra y acompañarnos en las visitas. en el última visita decidimos leer el capitulo 8 de primer nefi. empezamos a leer lento y poco a poco compartir que nosoros estabamos sentiendo y aprendiendo de la lectura. el espiritu entro la casa y escuché mi compañero hablar como nunca habia hablado antes. el hablo con una firmeza y con confianza yo sé que el fue inspirado por el espiritu. despues el obispo dio un testimonio de su propio conversión, yo estaba sentado en medio de ellos y senti el espiritu tan poderosamente; cumpliendo todo que yo habia pedido al señor.
salimos todos edificados por el espiritu, y el obispo es mucho mas animado por la obra, de hecho el invitó dos de nuestros investigadores a su noche de hogar y quiere que acompañamos y enseñamos algo. que especial.
la obra esta llendo bien aqui en coatzacoalcos
realmente amo la obra quiero que ustedes comparten el evangelio como nuestro padre celestial a pedido cada uno de nosotros. se que ustedes sentirán el amor pero aun mas importante la promesa es eso que las familias que comparten el evangelio tendran mas bendiciones y disfrutarán del espiritu santa mas abundantemente, y sé que eso les ayudará en cada aspecto de sus vidas.
el señor esta confiando en cada uno de ustedes y el sabe sus potenciales. entonces que se obran por el señor invitan a los demos escuchar el evangelio y los misioneros aun en st george. les amo. les quiero mucho y nos veremos pronto.
con mucho amor
elder CHALL jeje

Jan. 10

yes i am very alive down here, i didnt write because i didnt have time i would of later on but the work of the kingdom comes first right now.

this last week i have witnessed miracles in our zone. the reason i was sent here in the first place was to help it out and little by little every body is starting to catch on how we should do the work. the zone went from the lowest baptizing in the mission to the highest, and my didtrict is the highest baptizing district almost doubling the other 2 districts together. it makes me feel great to see the great change i things even though it wasnt easy.

lets see what else i had like 8 investigadores in the chapel yesterday nothing more rewarding. a few of them have baptism dates and are progressing lots. even though i only have 1 baptism planned for this week i am sure that i will be bvaptizing because the lord is great and always completes his part.. i hope to have more than 4 this month in the water and fire.

on the side of that i have been working lots on the assistence in the church and when i got here going to the church weekly there were about 45 or 50 and not after re activating the asistence is about 80 or 85. lots of progress with people just from the spirit and great goals and commitments so that they can progress spiritually.

at the same time i am working especially with the young men that are in active. so this week i hope to see great results through some activities that we are doing. i expect something like 15 in active young men. i dont know why but i have a thing with young men, they just like to follow me for some reason, but i guess god gave me that talent. its great to see so much change in the ward and instead of having to ask the bishop and others to help, the are seeing how great the work is and want to be part of it.

its been a long week but really great, the fruits come and come.
i hope all the has made sense. and to let you all in its warming up a ton here again and well i will freeze my rearend off in march when i get back.
i love you all, have a fantastic week.....
i have the same companion still, he says hi by the way...
love elder schall

Dec. 13

hi family i am just sure mom has checked the mail and noticed that i have not written anything yet, yes i am running just a little late and well it raining i am sick with the cold and well things couldnt be any better.

so this last week i went to the temple for the second time here in the mission field, and i will just tell you all that are so lucky to be able to assist every week. i would give anything to go every week just to feel that good.

what a blessing it is to remember those sacred covenents that you have all made ...ok as for the work that i did this last week hmmm well i got chewed out bye an old investigator. i guess he was still mad because he didnt want to make the change and well stop destroying the family that he lives with. so now because of him he wont let my converts go to church and basically has the family scared to talk to us. its rediculas how satan worksin the hearts of those that do not have a desire to follow christ.
lets what else.... yesterday we got the change plans... well for my district and i there wasnt a single change we all will be together another 6 weeks. i am happy about that.

well we will be baptizing again this week thats always great, but only one problem involved, i have to empty all the water by bucket and hand everytime that we baptize...
i have been reading only the book of mormon, i dont know if i told you all, i started a month ago and will end on the 31 of this month reading the book of mormon in spanish in only 2 months. its way easier then oyu think but i dont just read it i study it, its so amazing how much one learns from reading the scriptures. everything just gets a little clearer.

i am super exited to talk to you all on the phone in a few weeks. i will tell you all like a thousand times or so i just cant believe how fast time goes by.... i will leave this little letter i have written with my testimony.

God speaks and lives and loves each and everyone of us. He expects that we give everything to recieve everything. this is the true church, it really is. en el nombre de jesucristo, amen
con mucho amor,
elder schall

Dec. 6

What a stressful but rewarding week this last week. I really had a hard time but with the Lord not one thing is impossible. I love the work ,I love my companion, I love the Lord, and I love the mission.

This last week, I was working with multiple families that are progressing towards their baptism date... but guess what? When we passed by on sunday morning, the mom told us that her daughters were not going to go to the church because they were disobedient. So as punishment,they couldnt go.... that made me sad because now they have to wait another week to get baptized becuase they have only gone one time.

Lets see what else happened this last week?... hmmmm ... well it was hot and then freezing in the nights like 65 or so.... burrrrrrr cold. I am now getting sick because hot water doesnt exist here so the water is freezing in the morning. my companion is super funny its great to watch and listen to his testimony even though he sometimes gets scared too. I am forcing him to the max to be obedient and diligent, like when he doesnt jump out of bed, i jump on the bed and on him to start the day laughing.

well time is now basically up and well i love you all so much, take care and do as all the prophets have declared... repent.. love your elder schall...

Nov. 29

I am so glad to hear that you all had a fun weekend, how was black friday? haha! The morning of Thanksgiving, i didnt even know it was, until Elder Clark came in and reminded me. Then i was a little destracted during that morning, looking at the time thinking to myself, hmmmm they are probably getting ready to go play soccer right now, and hmmm i would sure love some nog nog. But then I started reading in the Book of Mormon and was fine.

This week has been amazingly difficult and super tiring but it all paid off. We got investigtors to church and have many that will be baptized throughout the next weeks.

I am super tired right now and my legs hurt because my zone played soccer in the sand field. I never thought I could be so out of shape but whatever... my team almost won in the championships... we lost by a goal in the last 2 minutes. i am actually not that bad....of course ever goal i made i ran and did my flips!

Lets see... we are teaching many people right now and all day we have apointments which makes the day go by super slow. we really have blessed the lives of so many. I really feel content with my work or i should say the work the Lord has given me.

Well, I am running out of time and will have to go...

before i go....other night we were all outside on our balcony drinking our water when the neighbor that lives below us asked if we celebrated christmas. funny... what kind of question is that?... it was the kind that got her in on a conversation with us. she has a 16 year old daughter.

anyways i love you a ton!
elder schall